Arts in Education
Arts In Education brings Creative Outlet teaching artists into New York City schools to provide arts programming that is not available through traditional channels. In all five boroughs we serve grades pre-k through 12, focusing on historically underserved communities who generally do not have ample exposure or access to high quality arts education. Teaching artists offer a rich array of cultural learning experiences in dance, music, art, and theater including, but not limited to drumming, mask making, African dance, and Horton dance technique. Other arts classes include filmmaking, photography, scriptwriting, and production. The curriculum is designed to align with the goals of the New York State Arts Standards and Blueprints; providing the skills needed to support students’ progressIn a normal operating school year schedule, Jamel Gaines Creative Outlet services approximately thirty to forty schools per year.
JGCO offers workshops, Dance, Theatre, Voice, Drumming, Arts + Crafts and much more! Extending our services to Public, Charter, Private and Universal Pre-K in the Brooklyn Community! Our goal is the educate cultural arts and bring something extra to your classrooms that helps students continue to use The Arts as an educational vehicle.
If you would like to contact us with the interest/possibility of having us in your School/Classrooms. Please contact Noe Garcia at or text/call (917)-500-8774. One of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible!
Arts In Education Coordinator
Noé Garcia